When the fuel enters the unit the baffles in the system immediately induce a swirling action, which
causes water and solid contaminants to separate out of the fuel. The contaminants sink to the base of
the unit where they are retained - the contaminants are simply drained and disposed of when the
system is full. An optional sensor can be supplied to indicate this. The sensor can be linked to the MLS
communication systems so that drain requirements can be identified from any PC, globally.
Engine misfiring and lower power input and injector spray patterns are affected
Fuel injectors can get clogged and fuel delivery
Wear to fuel injector and pumps
Water is very poor lubricant and metal on metal contact occurs resulting in scuffing and wear
Corrosion of fuel system and engine parts
Steel componants will rust in the presence of water
Explosive damage to fuel injectors
The combustion process will superheat any water present which can cause injector tips to be 'blown off'
Acceleration of fuel oxidisation
The oxygen in water acts to spped up the process of fuel deterioration
"Rocket Rentals have fitted the mls
fuel purifier for nearly three years
with excellent results, in the past
month alone the purifier has saved
us two engines from serious failure
and consequent cost, Nov 2011."
Simon Tomblin, Managing Director,
Rocket Rentals, Gloucester.